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U-TRSM can meet the non-standard slewing drive design of different working conditions

Publish time:2022/09/16 News Views:243

Slewing drives have a wide range of applications in industry, including spur gear slewing drives and worm gear slewing drives. In different applications and combined with customer feedback over the years, we must strengthen the design and research of non-standard slewing drives, by improving the design ability of designers, focusing on the rationality of the design, strengthening the standardization in the design, improving the usability of the design, making it faster and more efficient.


Generally speaking, non-standard slewing drives are actually customized according to customer needs. We use the unified industry standards and specifications promulgated by the state to manufacture unit equipment assembled into slewing drives. Their operations are more convenient and flexible, and functions can be added according to customer needs, there are more rooms for modification. Different types of customers have different process requirements. Non-standard slewing drives need to be independently designed according to the place, characteristics, and purpose of use (for details, please refer to the non-standard design case of U-TRSM) .

  • Improve the usability of the design, replace the old parts more quickly, install more conveniently, integrate and modularize.
  • Pay attention to the rationality of the design. In the design process of non-standard slewing drive, it is necessary to not only consider customer requirements and actual production requirements of equipment, but also ensure the rationality of equipment structure and scientific. On the one hand, a reasonable equipment structure is conducive to the stable operation of the equipment, and on the other hand, it is also convenient for the installation and maintenance of the equipment.


In the design process of non-standard slewing drive, the designers of U-TRSM earnestly implement the relevant design specifications, deeply understand the process requirements, technical parameters and use functions, and conduct a comprehensive comparison of multiple schemes to select the optimal scheme.


Our designers focus on checking and checking the parts of non-standard equipment to ensure the rationality of the design of parts in the slewing drive, so that the parameters such as stiffness and strength of the parts meet the requirements for use. In addition, for the processing materials of the parts, the combination of the parts should be reasonably selected.

U-TRSM can meet the non-standard slewing drive design of different working conditions
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U-TRSM can meet the non-standard slewing drive design of different working conditions
Generally speaking, non-standard slewing drives are actually customized according to customer needs. We use the unified industry standards and specifications promulgated by the state to manufacture unit equipment assembled into slewing drives.
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