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Analysis of the influence of sliding speed of worm on transmission efficiency in slewing drives

Publish time:2024/01/15 News Views:122

In the design of worm gear slewing drives, U-TRSM design engineers often have to consider many factors, including the sliding speed of the worm, which has a significant impact on the transmission efficiency of the worm. In the design process, comprehensive considerations and adjustments should be made based on specific needs. Here is a brief analysis of the impact of sliding speed on the worm.


The sliding speed of the worm will affect the friction and wear between the tooth surfaces. When the sliding speed is high, the friction and wear between the tooth surfaces will also increase accordingly, which can lead to energy loss and efficiency reduction.


The sliding speed will also affect the lubrication effect, when the sliding speed is too high, it is difficult for lubricating oil or grease to enter the tooth surfaces, resulting in increased friction and wear, thereby reducing transmission efficiency. Therefore, when choosing a lubrication method, the sliding speed needs to be considered to determine the lubrication method and lubricant.


The stiffness of the worm also affects the sliding speed. When the stiffness of the worm is low, the pressure distribution between the tooth surfaces is uneven, resulting in uneven friction and wear of the worm, thereby reducing the transmission efficiency.


Comprehensively considered, the sliding speed of the worm has an important relationship with the transmission efficiency, and the friction and wear of the worm play a key role.

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